Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Odd to be back here

54 hours stuck in traffic
where the refugees could face death
inside the compound
A California couple has created a mini-savannah—replete with zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, and other African animals

the father who murdered his mother skipped school on Tuesday,
spoke on condition of anonymity
his words echoed eternally in the famous war photo
of the soldier who decoded the coffee bean’s genes

societies are trying to arrange housing for thousands
in the port city
a sea change in the apparent industry
driven by a return of investor appetite
united their families' different faiths

their slaves are adjusting to life
described as doing well today, breathing on their own as they recovers from an operation to unite
indigenous communities along the jungle river

the mother sells their artwork to fund continued school programs for the youngsters
The plan is not without controversy, as some locals claim she is only selling her own
photos of sights around the city
that zoom in on patients' eyes and bellies

Odd to be back here

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